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Home » News » Sorry, Elon Musk — To Suggest Remote Work Isn’t ‘Morally Right’ is a Flawed Attempt to Push Your In-Person Work Agenda. Here’s Why.

Sorry, Elon Musk — To Suggest Remote Work Isn’t ‘Morally Right’ is a Flawed Attempt to Push Your In-Person Work Agenda. Here’s Why.

Sorry, Elon Musk — To Suggest Remote Work Isn't 'Morally Right' is a Flawed Attempt to Push Your In-Person Work Agenda. Here's Why.

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According to Musk, “You’re going to work from home, and you’re going to make everyone else who made your car come work in the factory? You’re going to make people who make your food that gets delivered — they can’t work from home?” Musk asked. “Does that seem morally right? People should get off their goddamn moral high horse with the work-from-home bullsh*t,” he said. “They’re asking everyone else to not work from home while they do.”

It’s as though Musk views in-person work as a kind of hazing ritual — he and others did it, so you have to do it too. Well, as my mom frequently said when I proposed doing something dumb because others did it, “If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?”

The misguided morality of in-person work

Musk labels remote work as “morally wrong,” a sentiment that’s as perplexing as a zebra questioning the ethics of its stripes. Let’s remember: work is a contract, an exchange of time and skills for remuneration. It’s not a moral battleground.